Privacy Policy
This Privacy policy is a Legally Binding Document Between you &  troll wall developers.
This Privacy Policy Explain how your personal data is collected when you use any mobile application.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.
We do not  collect, store or use any personal information while you visit, download or upgrade our products.
Help us develop and  deliver and improve our products and services and supply higher quality service.
Non-personal information is data in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual, such as your Android ID, CPN model, memory size, your phone IMEI number, Cell phone model, location, install, uninstall, frequency of use.
We may collect and use non-personal information in the following circumstances.
 To have a better understanding in user’s behavior, solve problems in products and services, improve our products, services and advertising.
 We may collect non-personal information such as the data of install, frequency of use, country, equipment and channel.
If non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
To make sure your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to all employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or data processing, please contact us.


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